The Enchanted Dagger #3 -Page 3
Ah, the Lucy…wait whats that? You have a query? Why, you ask, Greg, after 6 months of posting this webcomic have you still neglected to set up a proper, functioning Facebook page?
That is a very good question, my darling, and you will be relieved to note that I have indeed finally gotten around to doing just that…and I assure you that it is very likable. My excuse for not doing it sooner is good old fashioned procrastination. I read recently on the internet that a person procrastinates when accomplishing the task at hand challenges some of the preconceived notions of identity that we establish for ourselves. In my case, it has been the posture of a person who doesn’t use social media.
That’s been in part to maintain an air of mysterious superiority…you know…for political reasons. But it’s also been something to avoid until I have a good project to promote. So for me actually having a Facebook page means that I am now selling something as opposed to floating dreamily on the ethereal plain of creativity. Sad.
It’ll take me a week or two to get into Facebook mode but then I should be able to communicate like a normal, 21st century human being. Please check it out!
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