More progress…the principle art work on Kathar is done!  I have to go back and fill in the black solids on the Irv Norvick stuff but it’s just about there.  Just about… you may notice that this weeks page looks a little different as I went in and adjusted the lettering and word balloons, painstakingly tracing over them.  Incredibly tedious.  As with this whole dumb project it took too long.  With practice I can probably get it down to an hour a page.   Is it worth the time and effort….i say no, haha!  I’m trying to convince myself that not Redux-ing the lettering and keeping it natural is part of Golden Age Redux’s patented style…

Next week a new page!  And I’ll get to work on sending EDag issue 4-6 to the printers.  Starting with #6 which is in pretty much good to go, I’d like to have 5&6 out in a few weeks.  I’m going to apply a few lessons from Kalthar’s image processing of hue & saturation to try and get them looking optimal.  Issue 4 still has a lot to do….

But, It’s been a slow season for the day jobs so I have some extra art work time.  I’m hoping to get thru this stuff fast so I can fit in some weeks at that PHM 20 pager I plotted out last summer (I did some impromptu sketching in the car at work last week and it felt pretty good).  I have a summers worth of Kalthar pages to post and then I’m still planning to jump right into posting Edag Issue #7.