The Enchanted Dagger #7 – Inside Front Cover
Hmmm…. Well, the cover ended up looking okay, I guess. There are some problems with it and its a little under cooked … but sometimes you just gotta let it go. That’s how i feel about much of the first 3 pages of this issue… I didn’t quite nail any of the elements; the drawing, the inking and the coloring. But, they get the story notes across clearly and that’s whats most important. i was watching some comics youtube post this week and was advised to accept that every page isn’t going to be a banger. At least it has that “made by a human” feel. One blemish I accidentally left was a random layer of bricks in the background which was set to flat CMYK black… all K, no CMY. You can really tell even on the tablet how much difference there is between it and a warmer Black that has CMY backing it up. Very important for printing to have your CMYK set correctly. I believe there is a level of tolerance that the printing process has which discourages too much CMY…I keep it at about 45%. I was planning on going into those bricks and coloring each one to give it some urban variance so this one with may still change leading up to printing. Which I would still love to do this year…Having those last three comics on hand has greatly lifted my spirits. More new Comics!
Here is our usual inside front cover. I like the writing I did for this one. Best Chapter summary yet, haha. The colors…errr we’ll have to see. It’s easy enough to adjust later. As there’s a lot of blues and orange/yellows on page one the Mauve and Red/orange should compliment… we’ll see!
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