Page 50!  50 pages of Kalthar Redux… who could even imagine such a thing.  I hope you are enjoying Irv Norvick’s art, his lighter brush approach stands in good relief to  RSP’s detailed penmanship.  Only 5 pages left of Kalthar!

Production is coming along.  Pages 11-13, as it turns out had a lot of actually drawing work that still needed doing which is slowing things down.  I built up page 11 last week and I’m working on 12 this week.  As far as I’ve gotten on all the pages I still have one big area to address – using photoshop for much of my shading and highlights.  I’ve always figured this would be a transition that will go well and that I will quickly get the hang of it.  It’s going to be observable in this first half of issue 7!  Still hoping to jump into that before halloween…I want to get thru those highlights as soon as possible…2 weeks or less for all of these pages, though there is a fair amount to tackle.  Then its starting over those four pages, the heart of this issue.  I have the usual ambitions of finally doing something on paper but I have had some good inspirations lately…