Busy busy!  Good progress this past week on issues 4-6 they’re just about ready to go to print.  Good enough for a test print, anyhow.  I have to mock up some paintings and frames for walls here and there… a couple skeletons for the grave yard scene in #4… and that troublesome hallway scene…. Then, some last minute touch ups on the covers and they’re off.  I could have it ready in a couple of days, thank goodness.  Hard to believe but I seem to be running ahead of schedule with this for a change… or at least I’m getting this stuff out by my original September deadline.  It’ll be great to have Kalthar and these prints out of the way….

Still plenty of pages of Kalthar left to post… should be able to get back to work on issue 7 soon!  I’ll be going page by page to get them up to standard and ready to post as soon as Kalthar is done.  You might recall I mentioned that my old computer, my 2002 MPC Transport finally began to break down.  It’s the screen.  Something glitched and now there are tiny led red lines that go across the whole screen.  I bought a cord to see if I can attach it to a monitor but haven’t tested it yet.  In any case, my use of Adobe Illustrator 10 is just about at its end.  I have  a second computer which has a copy of Photoshop and illustrator cs2, which I use for touch ups which I will likely use to finish issue 7 as best I can.  Illustrator CS2 doesn’t function in quite the same way as 10 and I’ve been frustrated using it in the past, so I’m not sure how I’ll proceed with Issues 8 and 9.  Did buy a new computer….