More progress this week after unfortunately losing some work.  Transferring files from my old computer to the new one is causing glitches.  But I have the first big block of pages from issue 7 set up in photoshop now and things are moving along.  Pages 1-13 are being processed now.  Should have them worked up pretty well in the next couple weeks, excepting for things like paintings, fixtures and clouds…final touches.  I usually do that stuff before i post the pages here… but since I’m trying to get this guy printed sooner than later i I’ll have to grit my teeth.  After that I’ll probably try to finish that block of 8 pages I made last winter pages 20-28.  With the exception of the last page i was able to get those pages pretty well developed.  I should be able to work thru them quickly.  I’m starting to think about that 4 page block that needs to be reworked.  In any case, work continues.  Realized that I’ve also been sitting on Tales of the Irreal #1 which I posted here a while back.  I tuned up some of those pages the other night so it’ll be ready to go to the printer with Edag #7 and Kalthar.  Three more comics coming soon!