Okay, semi-regular…  Here we have the last page of Robert Savon Pious artwork.  I do a write up on RSP on page 8 of our Kalthar Chapter.  He was, if you’ll recall, a first gen black cartoonist from Mississippi by way of Chicago who by merit and accomplishment became a popular Harlem renaissance muralist and then, at about age 32, got into the comics game around 1940.  I’m glad to have been able to give his work the old redux treatment.  I think his work really benefits from our patented Redux Process!  I was a little skeptical at first but I was quickly won over by some great comic pages and compositions (pages 16 & 17, 23 & 26 are some favorites).  Pious’ line work and characterizations become more steady as the pages progress but throughout he maintains a great use of color in his compositions to depict action and environments, taking advantage of the offset printing process with vivid atomspheres.  The RSP pages represent the body of the Kalthar portfolio…the heart of the work, I would suggest, for another aforementioned observation. Pious’ realistic depictions of Africans really stand out and are noticable when compared to the more stereotypical bone-in-the-nose attempts of his fellow artists.  They always have character and sometimes it seems like more thought has gone into they’re expressions than the main characters… (maybe I’m reading into it!)….

Still don’t know if I’m going to redux the letters….

Work on Issues 5&6 printer files is almost done.  I had 5 in good shape from before so I’m going in for final touches and color adjustments.  Have some weeks of vacation coming up so will pick away at it and try to get them off to print by the end of August…hopefully will be on track for printing issue 4 by oct.

Also my computer died.  No more Adobe Illustrator 10!!!  ….more on that next time…